Ms. Fortune players get a real treat today! There was a pretty big Skullgirls tournament at SoCal Regionals 2011 last weekend, and Mike Z ended up recording some Ms. Fortune combos for everyone. It was recorded by Rin Harasaki, the guy who runs the BBVLog Youtube channel, but the video’s an iPlaywinner exclusive.
There’s a lot of useful information about Ms. Fortune’s move properties that you can take from this video. Like most other characters, she can combo off of her throw. On the ground, her decapitation move(where she rolls her head at the opponent like a bowling ball) causes the opponent to get staggered, long enough for her to run over and do a followup combo. Her decapitation move in the air is actually really good, as it ground bounces an aerial opponent, allowing her ample time to do a followup combo.