Browsing Posts published in May, 2013

The fan vote for the participating players of the upcoming East vs West Japan 23on23 just finished yesterday, so Takuya has tweeted the (almost) complete teams.  I’ve translated the teams below: West Japan East Japan Captain Ruu(BR) Kazuki(DI) Sol Roi 012 Ky Rozu Machaboo May Kedako LARK Eddie Kaeru-kun Isa Millia Woshige Nakamura Axl Nekomimi AZ Potemkin ? FAB Testament MINT Shuumatsu Baiken Kuni Renard Jam LOX Teresa Anji Dani AGF Faust Nage Kiisha Johnny Kabegiwa no DC Satou Venom N-O Fino Chipp Samitto Endou Dizzy Makki Kisshi Slayer Kanata En I-No 2rio Koichi Zappa […]

It is now one week until the Arc Revolution Cup finals are taking place, so the official site has made a number of updates. They have posted the complete brackets for all three games. Hitconfirm has a translation of the first round matches to be played in each block. Additionally, Shinjin has done an English translation of the GG bracket, and Jourdal and Kurushii have done a translation for the BBCP bracket. Note that the 2 last chance qualified players will be playing against FAB and Kabegiwa no DC respectively. Much to my surprise, the […]

Now that the Arc Revolution Cup qualifiers are over, the date of the finals is set to be May 19th. Recently, Jonio has been planning a couple of special Mikado GG events to take place on the day before Arc Revo finals, the 18th. So far, there is going to be a 3on3, 5on5, and most importantly an East vs West Japan 25on25! The players of each team will be decided by an online fan vote, which closes on May 15th! The pages are available below: East Japan(Kanto) voting page West Japan(Kansai) voting page There […]