Sol, Ky, Dizzy, and Justice by Kagechiyo
In other news, some members on Dustloop have ordered the Accent Core Plus R Gainful Material mook and have begun transcribing the frame data. The data is gradually being added to the Dustloop wiki page for AC+R. It’s a bit hard to find, but you just have to scroll down to the box that has all of the characters in it, and click on the asterisks by their names. So far, about half of the cast’s complete frame data has been transcribed and there’s sure to be more to come.
For people who are just starting to learn Accent Core, some good resources have popped up! The oldschool top #R Robo player Nagao has posted a 90+ video tutorial series about Robo Ky on his Youtube channel. It consists of short clips and covers everything from basic combos, pressure strings, and mixups. For people who want to learn Dizzy, top Kansai Dizzy player Makki has set up his own Nico community. Earlier in the week he did a very lengthy Q&A Dizzy tutorial stream. He also streams himself on PSN AC+ netplay quite frequently.