Dizzy by Yamaneko

Dizzy by Yamaneko

More details have finally emerged concerning the Arc Revolution Cup, which was originally announced in November. The official site has been unveiled here. The tournament, which will feature the three main ArcSys arcade fighting games GGXX AC+R, BBCP, and P4U, is actually part of a special event commemorating their 25th anniversary called the Arc System Works Festival. Qualifiers for the tournament will be taking place in various arcades from February 16th to April 21st, and the qualifying players will then be able to participate in the finals on May 19th. The official site has a listing of every arcade that will be hosting a qualifier event. The format of every tournament will be 1v1 single elimination. As you can expect, many players are not happy with this decision, as big national tournaments there tend to be team format(like my personal favorite, 3on3).

In other news, a-cho commentator and Axl player Kakyuu streamed an introductory Guilty Gear lecture a week ago. He also posted his lecture notes on the a-cho homepage, for people having trouble following the presentation. It’s also a lot more organized than his actual lecture. For people who can understand Japanese, this is an excellent resource on Guilty Gear. It’s also doubly interesting since it’s from the perspective of a very old school player(Kakyuu has been playing since GGXX, and even got top 4 in Tougeki 2003). My friend Brett has expressed interest in doing a complete English translation of the notes, so if he gets that done I will make an update about that here.

Video streaming by Ustream