The November 2012 issue of Arcadia magazine which came out this month(they’re always a month ahead) has a big section devoted to Accent Core Plus R! As expected, it has an overview of the two new characters Justice and Kliff, but somewhat surprisingly it also has a tier list made by the Arcadia editorial department. You can see the page with the list here. AC+R was only out in arcades for about 2 weeks at the time of the magazine’s publication..
S Jam Slayer Robo Kliff
A Eddie Chipp Venom I-No Zappa Order-Sol Justice
B Everyone else
The section also has interviews with various players about their impressions of specific character changes, namely Koichi for I-No, Ogawa for Eddie, Dogura for Robo, Inoue for Order Sol, and R-1 for Millia. I hope someone will translate these interviews, as they sound very interesting!
But all of this might be obsolete, because an update to AC+R has been announced in the form of Ver 1.01. In fact, the 1.01 location tests are going on this weekend! According to the official website, various bugs have been fixed, including Testament’s weird 6k staircase glitch and the Kusoru Justice winfinite. There will also be balance changes, but the site has no further details on that.