This was a pretty ridiculous weekend for Guilty Gear!  In an unprecedented move, the second location test for Accent Core Plus R was publicly streamed on ustream.  Normally, location tests are pretty secure, with strict rules against bringing any kind of recording or video equipment into the facilities, so this was a big surprise.  The entire two day’s worth of location test were streamed, giving us about 24 hours of footage!

Unfortunately the ustream channel used did not have auto archiving enabled, but myself and other members of the community have taken steps to provide this service.  For the first day, I have archived the first 4 and a half hours on my Twitch channel here and here.  My friend Brett has also archived 8 hours from day one on his channel here and here, with Teamspeak commentary from some of the Norcal players.  The entirety of day two has been archived by DSS_Verdgilion, and is available for download as a torrent!  You can get the torrent on Dustloop here, as well as view a breakdown of what characters were played.