Realistic Dizzy

Realistic Dizzy

The folks over at Hitconfirm have created an excellent and in-depth Guilty Gear video tutorial!  Clocking in at almost 30 minutes, this video goes over all the basics and unique mechanics in the game.  Many people nowadays who try to get into the game get overwhelmed by the sheer amount of things to learn in GG, so this video does a great job of explaining everything in detail in a simple manner.

Veterans of the game may find this video a bit slow, but newcomers who are trying to learn the game should find it invaluable in their learning experience.  Even though the title states that this is a complete tutorial, it’s actually the first part in a series of videos that the Brazilian Community at Hitconfirm is planning to make.  The next video should cover some of the more advanced parts of the game that aren’t necessarily required to play at a basic level, like Jump Install and Impossible Dust combos.